Askura Alexander Shkuratov

Александр Шкуратов – русский композитор, музыкальный продюсер. В мировой музыкальной индустрии Александр Шкуратов известен под именем Askura Alexander Shkuratov. In Alexander's creativity you will find variety of music styles. This unusual occurrence when one Artist works practically in all music genres. Alexander likes to work in a variety of music styles, as the world surrounding us is diverse and many faces. If you love our World - you love Music

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Location: Moscow, Russia

Alexander publishes own albums on the World market under the name Askura Alexander Shkuratov. In Alexander's creativity you will find variety of musical styles: Symphonic music, Organ, Rock, RnB, Hip-Hop, Chill Out, Techno, Dance, Pop, Ballades, Christian, Art, World Music. In 1989, his group "Attraction" was representing Russia on the international festival of pop rock music "Midem-89" in Cannes. Alexander Shkuratov cooperated with famous American composer Michael Stoller (songwriter of the legendary Elvis Presley) on a joint project of Russian and American composers under the name "Music is stronger than words ". In 1991 Alexander has established music theatre "Thriller" and starts to work on the big show "Nightmare." A.Shkuratov has personally executed all the script, music and production for this exotic music show. With 1986 for 2010 Alexander has created 31 musical albums. It's his solo albums and albums for other artists which sing Alexander's songs. Also, Alexander has writes in the field of the literature, poetry and philosophy.

Wednesday, October 06, 2021

Album "Night Moscow"

 Night Moscow of the 90s. The nightlife sparkles with champagne and smells of expensive perfume. People meet and break up. They quarrel and make up, fall in love at first sight and enjoy nighttime revelations. The album is not only about glamorous parties, but also about the dramatic events of that time, about joy and sadness, about the fate of people who were carried away by the Wind of Time. This album lights up, corrects the mood and creates an ironic look at life. Enjoy, my friends! Click on the link and select your preferred music service. 🎧

Ночная Москва 90-х. Ночная жизнь искрится шампанским и благоухает дорогим парфюмом. Люди встречаются и расстаются. Ссорятся и мирятся, влюбляются с первого взгляда и наслаждаются ночными откровениями. В альбоме поется не только о гламурных тусовках, но и о драматических событиях того времени, о радости и печали, о судьбах людей, унесённых Ветром Времени. Трек Бала-бумба поправляет настроение и создает иронический взгляд на жизнь. Альбом Night Moscow - должен приколоть вас, -  он прикольный.


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